Republicans are resorting to a huge variety of fallacies in their defense of POUTS:

- Cherry-picking (ignoring relevant evidence)
- Strawman (pretending POUTS's only incitement happened on 1/6)
- Whataboutism (other terrorist attacks)
- Attacking the man (smearing Dems)

Republicans are employing to as many fallacies as I can find in the catalog to defend Trump.

- False equivalence: Democrats did that, too
- Appeal to the people: Nobody wants impeachment
- Trivializing
- Mockery
- Name-calling
- Deflection to motives

Republicans are now full-on gaslighting, claiming that it's the Democrats who are dividing the country, and they are to blame.

Fallacies: False equivalence and deflection.

Goebbels would be proud.

If you're having trouble following the plays in all of the Republicans' gaslighting, this short list of major propaganda techniques may help.

They're pounding as hard as they can on all of them to distract.

But none of them refute the allegations or excuse Trump's crimes.
Republicans are also employing plenty of "whataboutism" and "blame-shifting", such as complaints and exaggerations about the violence at some #BlackLivesMatter protests as if that were the protesters' goal, when in fact much of it was false flag attacks by white supremacists.

Rep. Scalise (R-OH) hammers on toning down the rhetoric, healing & lowering the temperature.

He presses the patriotism button by praising the bravery of the Capitol Police (deflection, irrelevance).

He invokes post-war Lincoln to advocate appeasement, but *during* the conflict.
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