Mayor @lennycurry said during a call to @1010XL today that City Council opposition that killed Lot J development deal was rooted in political payback by council members with "personal beefs" against him.
"You had vendetta over vision last night," Curry said. "You did have council members with personal beefs with me that voted no. You have one that told the (Jaguars) organization as recently as yesterday that he was a 'Yes' and then he went 'No.' He did not name council member
Council voted 12-7 in favor of Lot J deal but it needed super-majority with at least 13 council members in support so the legislation failed. "Lot J is dead," Curry said. "That's unfortunate but I'm a realist."
Curry: "The opposition has said, 'Oh, there's plenty of developers lining up, there will be plenty of opportunities to develop downtown.' There are no billionaires in line that were willing to invest hundreds of millions of dollars of their cash in our downtown and 7 members ..."
" ... of a 19-member body just told him to go pound sand." Curry said Al Ferraro and Danny Becton "voted their conscience" but other 'no' votes were based on politics and "it's the landscape that we may be facing for the next couple of years, which isn't good for our city."
Curry: "How are we going to move forward when you have people casting votes because they want to be mayor or they want to run for office for next 10 or 15 years, or they have personal vendettas against me?"
He criticized @OurJaxCom the citizen group that mobilized opposition to Lot J deal. "It claims they are about transparency in government. They don't disclose who their donors are." He said OurJax leaders "gave hundreds of thousands of dollars" to his opponent in 2019 mayor race
Curry said contention that Lot J development deal was negotiated in secrecy is a "bunch of baloney." He said the executive branch always negotiates deals and they become public after they are sent to City Council for debate and a vote
Curry: "If you followed their logic that you have to negotiate deals in public, we will never bring another company or job into our city ... So if this City Council wants to negotiate a (Jaguars stadium) lease agreement sitting in a conference room with cameras, it's over."
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