Things that women don’t have to be okay with (a thread):
•Cat calling
•nicknames (honey, sweetie, babe, etc)
•’compliments’ about our bodies
•staring at our breasts, vagina, and ass
•staring because we aren’t wearing a bra •comments on our body hair
•standing too close
•invading our space in public places (beach ,gym, stores)
•staring and watching.
Things that women don’t have to include in their demands when they feel creeped out, unsafe, and/or disrespected:

Please, thank you, I’m sorry, excuse me, maybe, if possible, can/will you
Things that women don’t ever need permission to say (and that aren’t just in dire/extreme situations)

Stay away from me, get away from me, do not speak to me that way, do not say that to me, do not touch me, you are invading my boundaries, go away NOW, fuck off.
You have the right to say whatever you need to protect yourself and hold boundaries. Nothing you say is too much.
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