The pit of hell has been opened, and the damned now walk the Earth. In fact, the worst of them are perched atop the whole mess and are doing a hot dog dance for the edification of the public, gleefully anticipating a bright new future for themselves and their infernal ilk ...
... it's called the "New World Order". Absent a miraculous reformation, their time will be short, because even if someone doesn't hose their asses into the gutter and down the drain as they so richly deserve, ...
... they'll inevitably self-destruct as a function of their own evil natures. But knowing in advance that they are already damned, they see nothing to lose by holding onto existence as long as they can. "Look at us!" they crow. "We have all the money, all the power! ...
... Like Samson, we will bring the roof of this economic temple down on your heads as soon as you attempt to dislodge us! Behold our glory, you filthy little plebeian worms; you cannot save yourselves without submitting to our eternal domination! ...
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