If you want to be a dance music journalist please, whatever you do, don't take courses like this. It's very simple: Find emails for editors at publications you like, email them ideas, write the ideas if you get accepted. That's it, that's the whole job.
Instead of spending money on courses like this, spend it on buying music and fuelling your passion for the genres you like, buy and read great books to help inspire your writing, go to shows, meet people.
The internet is full of pitching guides and other stuff to help you. Please exhaust all of those before you consider spending $500 (!!) on learning how to email a publicist
I strongly believe that you can become a successful journalist without any qualifications or training whatsoever, in dance music even more so. It's hard to believe that and not smell a whiff of grift in courses like these, even tho I'm sure it's helped people.
Paying tens of thousands of dollars for journalism school is the real grift, that's for sure
In other words....the internet
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