Clannad: "Society"
Spoiler free until a certain part and I will put a spoiler warning when it comes
for Clannad's special ep Tomoyo-hen
استخفر لله العظيم في بعض التصويرات التي ساستخدمها لكنها للشرح فقط
I think that everyone at some point of their lives felt the pressure of society or as it is sometimes called "Others" or "Other people" how many times have you heard people say don't do this or that bc Others will think of you like this or like that even if you didn't-
do anything wrong or the thing that you were going to do isn't bad but if you did it, it will anger "Others" or it will break the unwritten rule that has no right to exist.
Sometimes it feels like "Others" is a deity that people worship and try not to anger at all costs even-
if it is a unfair rule or a ridiculous way of thinking.
Things like
"Don't do "this" bc Others will think "that" of you, of us"
"Why aren't you "normal" everyone is doing "this" then why aren't you doing the same thing, why aren't you "normal"" -
these things really make me angry and frustrated at times and it makes me think of things like
"Why should I care for what Others think if I didn't do anything wrong, sinful or anything that harmed anyone else"
"Why should I follow such an artificial way of thinking."
"Why should I follow this shallow system, that will just hold me back"
I have always ignored what the general public thinks of me, what Others think of me. when I knew that they were wrong. I can take criticism but I don't care about it when it is shallow and unbased or that-
it is just to please the general public. I ignored these kind of things and I will always ignore them bc I know I am not wrong but even if I ignore it I can't help but feel like
something is watching my every move, it feels like there is an unmovable pressure on my body and soul
that makes me move slower, it makes me live in fear and it makes me feel a strange sense of guilt that I know isn't reasonable and that it is unbased.

spoilers for Clannad Tomoyo-hen special ep in the next tweet
skip the next four tweets to avoid spoilers
In this ep you can basically feel the huge pressure on Tomoya's back from his classmates and teachers, a lot of rumors are spreading about him and Tomoyo, rumors that have no value at all and don't have any right to exist in the first place.
Tomoya and Tomoyo know that there isn't anything wrong with their relationship at all, that they love each other and that they don't want to leave each other's side but Tomoya was lead to believe that there is something wrong with their relationship by his teachers and classmates
society is represented by the students and teachers in his school and the pressure is their gazes on Tomoya's relationship with Tomoyo. People looks are eating his flesh and slowing him down, they torture him without any mercy or concentration.
Tomoya made this affect him and let it take the thing he valued the most from him and that is his beloved.
It is pretty easy to be crushed by that pressure and it is easier to get carried away with it but you need to FIGHT
when you know that you are right, you need to FIGHT for what you love, for what you hold dear, for what you don't want to lose.
You need to FIGHT.
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