Men will take over public discourse on the Capitol Siege (ht @beccalew) But women have dominated research on the American far-right. We’re fighting the patriarchy & the pandemic, so we may not have time to answer every media request, craft an op-ed, or post the perfect THREAD...
Sociologist Jennifer Carlson @jdawncarlson has 2 books using extensive interviews and ethnography of the gun movement: "Policing the Second Amendment: Guns, Law Enforcement, and the Politics of Race"
"Citizen-Protectors: The Everyday Politics of Guns..."
Tina @fetner is a guru of key social movement questions related to the far-right. Ok, it's not a book, but here’s one of her articles: "The Tea Party: Manufactured Dissent or Complex Social Movement?"
For historical insight, Kathleen Blee’s book was a big eye opener for me when it came out – it traces the Klan’s growth in the Midwest (where I’m from) piercing the "only in the South" myth: "Women of the Klan: Racism and Gender in the 1920s"
Another great historical read is Kirsten Delegard’s @MapPrejudice "Battling Miss Bolsheviki: The Origins of Female Conservatism in the United States"
And be on the lookout for books by @beccalew and other young scholar women studying white supremacist and extremist groups

I'm sure I've forgotten some women academics who've spent time researching and publishing on the far-right, but I gotta go make dinner for my family...
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