Masturbation In Islam

A 🧵
Masturbation is the biggest energy drainer it will make you feel demotivated and depressed it makes you feel that you don’t want to do anything in life and it’s a way Shaytaan stops you from praying and worshipping Allah
Among the youth, the most common issue with porn addiction/masturbation is the people you stay around because so many have normalised this
When you masturbate you may be using sources such as porn and this could lead to having an effect on your marriage as you will go in the marriage with an unrealistic view of intimacy and this can affect the spouse as they’ll think they aren’t good enough.
Also every time you do such actions and you have to do Ghusl and if you don't you cant pray or touch the Quran and etc it's prohibited so think about the time you wasted doing that haram action when you could have done better with that amount of time
One of the biggest tips I can give you is to surround yourself with good people who remind you about Allah because even if your alone Shaytaan is there and is going to tempt you to bad

One advice is when you get any sexual desires do Wudhu
Also before you go towards doing that action remember to imagine your dying in that stage and returning to Allah in that stage imagine how your lord will feel
Remember Allah is all watching and is seeing these bad actions imagine the angels ( Kiraman & Katibin ) on your shoulders are seeing every single action and taking note of the bad deeds and good deeds

Your going to be accountable for it on the day of judgment in front of Allah
Mention surrounding yourself with individuals that have self-respect / are on the deen. A lot of people feel like they need to do it because all their friends have done it and or are influenced by it
If you sincerely want to stop - cut your self from things in your daily life that try to tempt you doing those such actions

Niyyah is everything without wanting to stop your heart will never stop and repent and make dua to Allah to help you
This is very important and links to this
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