An eyewitness who stayed in Tigray for 27 days as part of her NGO mission describes the dire situation on her FB page (screenshot👇🏿). I thought it was insightful, & corroborates the stories we've been hearing. Here is the summary:(rough translation with some rearrangement )👇🏿
1. Although relatively calm, Tigray is engulfed with grief. Contrary to what the media claims, the situation remains dire.

Electricity has been restored from Alamata to Adigrat. But there is no electricity past Adigrat as there is an ongoing war in those areas.
2. There are no police in the towns. The administrative structures have collapsed. Robbery is rampant. Young men have fled to the desert/mountains. Amhara and SNNPR forces deployed to police towns after receiving 7 days of training are forced to go to war as fighting continued.
3. Regular gov't work has not resumed in Tigray. Offices have been looted- including computers and desks. Eritrean soldiers are blamed for the robbery. Except for Mekelle Univ, Adigrat & Axum Univ are completely looted & empty. Computers, desks, and all vehicles have been looted.
4.Eritrean soldiers' looting is indescribable: at Adwa Hospital, patients were removed from their bed, which was then looted along with wheelchairs. Ppl are dying because medical supplies have been looted. A man (Araya) died from appendicitis as there was no surgical equipment.
5. Eritrean soldiers are everywhere except in Mekelle and Shire. After several Ethiopian soldiers died in the battle, Eritrean soldiers have taken over several towns & are unleashing terror. Civilians are also being terrorized with a threat to bring/call-in Eritrean soldiers.
6. Eritrean soldiers in Adigrat are harassing civilians and are claiming that the town is under the Eritrean administration and are [will be] issuing Eritrean identity cards.
7. Eritrean soldiers have a large sum of old Ethiopian Birr notes in their hands. They are forcing people to exchange their old 2,000 Birr notes for 1,000 new Birr notes. No one can stop them!
8. Mekelle is relatively peaceful except for the sound of heavy artillery heard from the fighting in Wukuro. However, government services are scarce. In the absence of city police, robbery is widespread. There is a 6 PM curfew under the state of emergency.
9.I found the war in Tigray is not over yet; it is just starting. Contrary to what the media say, the situation in Tigray horrifying. Burned tanks & cars are seen everywhere. Many people have died. Eritrean soldiers are picking up their dead & transporting them in trucks.
10. Prosperity party's presence does not go beyond the cities. I don't think there is an easy end to the war. The Tigray youth's resentment is noticeable: they are saying, "we will not bow down to Neftegna." The young continue to flock to the desert/mountains [to fight].
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