what dreamcatcher is doing is not okay. how far does this have to go for people to understand how wrong this all is? please help me and other Indigenous people who just want to see some change within this group/company and their name, concept, etc. thread of info/links below.
a lot of Indigenous people will say they are okay with this or that it doesn’t bother them. good for them. but there are still many of us who are affected by this. please don’t dismiss us for speaking up about how we feel!
also if you’re non-Indigenous and think everything is resolved because you see 1 out of many Indigenous people say they’re not offended.. it’s not. part of the problem is taking one voice and believing they are speaking for all of us.
another carrd including not only dreamcatcher information but also more cultural appropriation within kpop. http://sourfavewantstobeindig.carrd.co 
I came across this carrd last night and although I’ve been into kpop for over a year and have done a lot research about ca in kpop since then, I learned a lot by reading it.
a lot of the Pacific Islander information was new to me. I know this doesn’t have to do with dc but alongside being Ojibwe, I am also Native Hawaiian and besides the hula portion, I had no idea about the other PI stuff in the carrd.
this was my first time hearing about the song “aloha oe” by cherry bullet and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since. I grew up with the Aloha ʻOe song that was written by our queen and has great cultural significance to my people. so to barely be-
knowing about this despite it being released a few months ago makes me ache.
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