Afraid I agree with this. For better or for worse we had an idea of what a Labour government led by Blair, Miliband or Corbyn would look like - but Starmer gives almost nothing away.

Given the ferocity of the right-wing press, I can understand the caution, particularly as...1/ 3
...his true politics are probably closest to Miliband and he saw what a monstering "Red Ed" received.

But Miliband was leader in an era where the constantly reiterated Cameron/Osborne narrative of "austerity is necessary" still seemed plausible to many. 2/3
Johnson on the other hand, has ditched austerity as a policy, and simultaneously discovered the magic money tree which funds his Covid spending.

Big government policies and a critique of capitalism as it works at the moment, are *surely* less of a risk for Labour in 2021. 3/3
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