All the follow - unfollow discussions, had me go down a rabbit hole.

I follow people who don't follow me, it's not that big of a deal. I follow my interests and that's about it. I'll unfollow when I feel like the reason/ interest for which I initially followed someone isn't met
I have people who follow me who barely engage with me and I'm assuming that they're like lurkers and are important to have in the growth of a platform.

I have mutuals, I'm still learning how the mutuals work. Cos, I'm able to reach out to people with a huge platform with ease
They make me feel comfortable and I'm able to discuss anything with these individuals ( There are exceptions to this ). Then there's people with smaller platforms ( lack of a better word in my vocabulary where some of them are really nice and some of them are just cold af
It's a learning process for them as well, I'm assuming this.

End of the day, follow who you want and unfollow if you don't want to. No one can say otherwise.

I'm still trying to find some of the people I've unfollowed and it's such a hassle. Cos, I feel like I'm missing out.
In the last 30 days, I've lost 600 followers and gained 500 ish

Let the ones who are interested in you and what you stand for find you, it takes time but it's worth the grind.

Personally, I'd rather have 100 actively engaging followers over 10000 dead followers.
Partnerships and sponsorships on the other hand mostly focus on numbers and traction.

Some are easier to acquire than the others.

There's just so much to learn about social media and how it works. Take your time with it, build a good community for yourself.
I know this was a long read, but I think it's good for understanding at least some of the things that I've learned.

Don't fully understand everything yet, but I'm working on it.


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