*Thread* - Manipulation & Toxicity

EVERYONE is manipulative
Most manipulation = coping mechanisms done unconsciously

Very few people can consciously manipulate

To consciously manipulate would require:

- Strategic thinking
- Solid acting
- Understanding of social dynamics
- Overcoming social conditioning to remove fear of doing 'bad'
Everyone manipulates


It's human

Just because you're not consciously aware of it doesn't mean it's not happening

Ultra light example:
- Intentionally not texting back or delaying a few hours

This is manipulating the perception to appear busy/less invested
Heavy Example:

- You communicate your needs & explain how something they're doing upsets you:

Then they reply upset at you & frame it as

- You complaining is being ungrateful
- You're the one with the problem not them
- The fact you even brought it up is selfish
It can be your best friend, your parents, a date, a stranger

EVERYONE manipulates to a extent

'toxic' people are the ones who do multiple heavy forms & do them often

Cool/chill 'down to earth' people rarely do any, usually only limited to the ultra light forms
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