Wide Stance: What I Like and Don't About Them!
2. Boxers today take wide stances but they don't know why or for what reason? They do it because they were taught in the Amateur system and never fully understand how to utilize it.
3. A wide stance is great for setting down with your punches and getting the most out of them. The problem is it causes you to be slow with your feet moving forwards and backwards.
4. It limits your movement so you can't move side to side or deal with an Opponent circling you. So why use a wide stance?
5. Well, a wide stance is great on the inside. When you got an Opponent hurt their going to try and duck under your punches and step in close to smother you and tie up.
6. What a wide stance allows you to do is bend your knees in a sitting position, not too low, so you can get down low and continue punching your Opponent.
7. With a wide stance they can't get under you as you are moving up and down with them keeping your hands free to land punches to the body and head moving forwards or backwards with the Opponent keeping in range.
8. By having a wide stance in close you can really get off with your combinations and work the body and head especially when their hurt and lose their offense by covering up and being too defensive.
9. However, a wide stance has to be used at the right time while switching to a shorter one so you can move left or right angling your Opponent after you land your combinations so your not an easy target for counters.
10. You need to switch to a short stance as well so you can stay in reach of your Opponent. If they move away from you and you have a wide stance then you'll lose your range for effective offense.
11. Modern day Boxing teaches the wide stance but not how to use it properly or why take a wide stance at all? Knowing why and when to take a wide stance is important otherwise it isn't effective Boxing.
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