As more folks are arrested for the insurrection we are going to see high rate of people with records of intimate partner violence, stalking, and harassment. 1/
Terrorizing women and girls and internet trolling is directly correlated to being violent and unreasonable in other facets. including work, friendships, school, family, AND POLITICS. 2/
As my colleague, Caroline said, "Violence against women and girls on the micro level of interpersonal IS TERRORISM designed to uphold patriarchy/male supremacy on the macro level. 3/
into the congressional chambers, had multiple restraining orders for attacking her then-boyfriend’s ex, filing false police reports, rear ending her car, and harassing her with phone calls. 5/
Air Force combat veteran, Larry Rendall Brock, who was stalking Pelosi’s office in full tactical gear and helmet with sets of flex-cuffs in his hand was turned in by his ex-wife. 7/
It's a self-selecting group of people who prioritize their own desires over the safety and autonomy of other people. They're jealous and controlling and believe delusional things. 9/
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