This is reprehensible. Please do not do this to your students!
Listen. If you need everyone to perform compliance and attention to demonstrate learning then you're replicating and perpetuating Euro-American ideas about education and learning. Stop it.
Is it nice to see people that you interact with? Yes. Somehow, though, AMAZINGLY, twitch streamers create lots of community *WITHOUT SEEING ANY OF THEM*. Teachers, professors can do this too. Give your students lots of ways to demonstrate engagement and, you know, BE ENGAGING
Y'all swear like EVERY SINGLE ONE of these students in these 500 person lectures is paying attention. No! I've seen students in the first five rows playing Hearthstone during lectures. They look like they're engaged but they're super mad at being rank 13
I used to be very into cameras on because I wanted to check engagement but what ended up happening is that *I* would get distracted by the environment my students were in. I teach middle schoolers now and none of them have their cameras on. They still engage.
(And like, I haven't even scraped the iceberg of how ableist it is to privilege seeing. Cmon.)
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