Fellow MSFT employees: I’ve written a proposal on what to do with the Microsoft PAC. The attempted sedition by many in Congress last week was funded in part by Microsoft's money. It is time for reform or abolishment, not small changes. 1/4 https://carmencrincoli.medium.com/a-proposal-for-change-at-mspac-79e386b84d91
I am putting this in the public forum because it goes to the very core of democracy. Citizens have the right to have their issues considered seriously by their elected official, without having to fight the resources of multibillion companies like Microsoft. 2/4
Microsoft has insisted for years that the PAC is the only way to ensure a level playing field with our competitors. That is only true when our competitors have influence. Empower citizens, and you level the playing field. WITHOUT compromising your values. 3/4
I have been a vocal critic of MSPAC for years now. In true Microsoft tradition, instead of just complaining about a decision I disagree with, I am bringing an alternate solution. I hope @bradsmi, @satyanadella, and @fredhum will engage with this proposal seriously. 4/4
As part of this effort, (and if he is willing) I'd like to invite Larry @Lessig to come to Microsoft to speak about campaign finance reform, and what role a corporate supporter could play in helping achieve that.
You can follow @CarmenCrincoli.
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