I don't want to disengage from current events to talk about fandom shit but I would like to note that critiques of the Star Wars sequel trilogy that are rooted in its portrayal of contemporary fascist movements are based on fanon and have little textual merit in the films.
For one thing, looking at the timelines of creation and the developmental materials, there is nothing to suggest they were drawing from current events. Preproduction began in what, 2013? Gamergate hadn't grown into a right-wing political movement yet.
Look at the concept art book for TFA. Kylo was conceptualized as "the Jedi killer." Not some sort of incel.
The First Order was conceptualized based on the Nazis post-WWII, but not contemporary fascism, which in the US was just becoming mainstream.
I saw someone critiquing Rian Johnson for not fully articulating the toxic masculinity of Kylo as an alt-right figure, but the TLJ script was written in 2015, right after TFA. The movie was filmed before the 2016 election. Rian did not retcon his own story to make it topical.
He also did not consult fan forums; it is a textual response to TFA and the concepts and themes from the previous films. So to say Rian failed to build Kylo as a fascist is a bad critique; he was not trying to make him reflective of the contemporary right.
It's understood that Darth Vader has positioned himself with a totalitarian regime, and outside of his desire to rule, he lays out not real political goals. The same is shown by Kylo, but Kylo is more gleefully and eagerly called a fascist.
(this is kind of funny, given that Anakin actually suggests that people should be ruled by a dictator in AOTC, but is given a lot less flack as a fascist symbol.)
This is all to say: analyses of contemporary Star Wars from a lens of modern American politics are based on a lot of fallacies. The First Order is not an allegory for the alt-right, as it wasn't an active presence for much of the series' development.
It's an American-centric form of film criticism that ignores the overarching themes of the saga and demands the films be instantly reflexive of and grounded in our current moment. That's not how they were made.
Also, Kylo has not been adopted as a right-wing icon, and in fact many of the right hate the ST for being too PoLiTiCaL (read: containing women and minorities in major roles). So the association of the ST as a tool of right-wing indoctrination is just bunk. It's bad textual crit.
Anyway, I'm excited for second impeachment and all republicans in congress who supported the coup to be removed!!! Fuck them
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