Remember when Kathleen Wynne was all "Increase minimum wage to $15/hr and give all workers paid sick leave" and Ontario said "Nah. I hate women and my hydro bill, so. Hard pass"?

I certainly do.
Again : Perfect politicians do not exist. But I cannot imagine for a single moment that Wynne or Horwath would have bungled Covid as badly as Dougie Doug.

The man is as useless as tits on a nun.

Your Hydro bill went up anyway!
AND you don't have paid sick leave during a global health crisis!

But hey! At least you don't have to listen to a lesbian, right?

Absolute wankers. The lot of you.
Please stop making jokes about Buck-a-Beer. Trust me, I remember all of his stupid policies! He's the reason I got laid off! I'm well versed!

My point is less about how much Doug sucks and more about the blatant misogyny and homophobia that boosted him into power.
A reminder that I find partisanship astoundingly boring so don't waste your time!

I'm an issues & candidates voter who has voted for the Liberals, the NDP & the Green Party. I've consulted with the NDP, Liberals, the Conservatives & the Bloc.

Skip me with your allegiances!
Since this seems to be getting a lot of traffic :

- The election saw 2 highly experienced women up against an incompetent man. Not engaging with the role of misogyny here proves my point.

- Blaming another party for an NDP loss in Ontario tells me you don't know Ontario.
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