Advice I like to give my econ grad students is that, while the job market paper is important, it’s also really important that you win the Leverhulme Prize. “Isn’t that for philosophy?” they ask me. “I don’t see why that’s relevant” I tell them. The look on their face says it all.
Ok of course this is a joke, even I don’t have that prize. But students do need a black belt in taekwondo and a minimum of two years bo staff training, plus they need to beat the elite four and catch mewtwo. That’s the real standard it doesn’t do any good to hide it.
It is just really important that they understand what the standard is. I’ve told them that if they want to get where I am they should emulate my life. It couldn’t hurt to cut your hair like mine and change your name. My life is amazing and I’m happy every day and have no problems
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