1) The chuds express a desire for a civil war. Something we need to understand about that war is the most recent studies say 750,000 people died in that war. And we need to understand what a modern civil war would mean in terms of casualties. ⬇️ https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-17604991
2) The Civil War was fought with muzzleloading muskets and cannon. And they still managed to rack up an astonishing death toll. They did this without aircraft, modern automatic weapons, or other current weapons. So what would it look like today? ⬇️
3) It’s unlikely states would secede as they did in 1861. But if they did, taking with them their National Guard assets, the death toll could be in the tens of thousands within a couple weeks. What’s more likely, though, is an armed insurgency. ⬇️
4) If armed militias began an insurgency, we’re talking about IEDs, truck bombs, and ambushes of government officials. The US would turn into an armed camp and no one would be safe from the violence. Innocent people would die, caught in the middle. ⬇️
5) It needs to be understood that this is the risk these militias present. They have “crossed the Rubicon” quite literally. And, sadly, they’re willing to take innocent people along with them into their unwinnable war, should they continue.
6) The militias are very open about exactly what they plan to do and how they plan to do it. No one should think they’re just puffing themselves up. They’ve been arming themselves for years. It needs to be taken seriously.
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