#Master my opinion - a fair script with a lot moments to enjoy for both the general audience as well as the fans. Lokesh has very well handled the commercial factors. Vijay’s screen presence is the biggest positive and music is the backbone of the Film! Action sequences 👍🏻
We can even add a separate thread about VJS! That’s how his performance was. He has completely and overshadowed Vijay and that’s what I liked about the film. Terrific performance. Cinematography was perfect and he had carried the film very well.
Now speaking about the negatives. Lokesh’s writing was the biggest flaw especially the weak written characters like Andrea and Malavika. I thought he would’ve handled and written the characters like Regina from Maanagaram and atleast another character like Narain.
Comic scenes and college scenes were fun. Kutty Story’s and Andha Kanni Pathaka really annoyed me. But Lokesh justified as this is first out and out commercial film.
Overall : A decent watch where there are a lot of lags, but still much more enjoyable moments for fans too! This is just a testimony that Lokesh can pull off commercial films decently. The thing is missed is his every characters importance. (Big star film is not an excuse)
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