In the last 4 years, we’ve heard extensively about how Trump is a bully, a narcissist, an abuser. This is all true, but I think we also should realize that his supporters, especially those within government that have made all of this happen are as well. We’re not just dealing 1)
2) with one narcissist or bully. We’re dealing with many who’ve found their Bully in Chief in Trump. These are the people who are now calling for forgiveness and unity without accountability. This is how abusers and narcissists roll. It’s their game.
3) The one thing I’ve learned in dealing with people like this is that if you do not hold them accountable, if you do not ensure they pay for their crimes, they will keep coming back. They do not learn lessons. They only see openings to once again take advantage.
4) It is a game to them. They never stop. We must have accountability. Trump, his inner circle, Republicans involved, those in departments that allowed this to happen, the followers who committed crimes...all must be held accountable. If you really value democracy, you must
5) demand that these insurgents be held accountable. You must demand that white supremacy is handled as the deadly virus it is. Democracy cannot exist within white supremacy. And we (whites) must do the work to address our white supremacy or this will happen again and again.
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