I have thoughts on today's Miami Herald report about Tua.

1. If you're upset at the journalist who wrote for sowing division, then you have no idea what a journalist's job is. None of it was his opinion. He's reporting the words of others. (1/3)
2. None of it is surprising. Fitzy outplayed Tua down the stretch there's literally zero doubt about that. Of course, the players are going to be skeptical of Tua.

3. This is the type of stuff that happens when the HC flip flops Qbs all the time and goes back on his word.
4. The one quote literally says "his only elite trait is accuracy." Idk sounds like a pretty good elite trait to have.

5. It's up to Tua to prove he's the guy. Players don't hand out blind faith like fans do. You gotta earn it.
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