There's a 1970s style energy crisis playing out in Japan, Korea & China with hardly any attention from rest of the world. Gas & coal supply shortages, spikes in demand from harsh winter & rationing...but there are deeper roots. @JKempEnergy sets out analytical framework.
2/ Mindblowing that one reason energy use & prices are spiking in E Asia is Covid Ventilation. Offices, homes etc opening windows to prevent buildup of virus aerosols while also blasting heat during freezing winter. Thread on crisis
3/ My kingdom for an LNG tanker. An unprecedented shortage of liquefied natural gas tankers has made them the most expensive ships ever hired to ferry commodities. Excellent reporting on E Asian energy crisis by @SStapczynski @a_shiryaevskaya
4/ Electricity utilities in E Asia gambled that Covid would reduce demand so didn't stockpile enough during winter. The opposite happened. Now, a wave of rationing in China, Japan & Korea as companies beg customers to turn electricity off but keep heat on.
5/ In 1970s crisis, US/Europe shut down all oil-powered electric plants & built 100s of domestic coal plants. In E Asian 2021 crisis, Japan's supply crunch is so bad that utilities starts to run coal plants using fuel-oil instead. A boost for oil producers
9/ There's a pretty pentagonal Rossby wave in the jet stream circling the Northern hemisphere at 250 hPa right now. Wild winter weather & elecricity grid outages for everyone!,94.13,332
10/ Global warming =>Volatile weather.'From Japan to Pakistan & from France to China, electricity & natural gas market comes under enormous tension strain this winter' @rachelmorison
More stories connecting dots now that Pandemic made us see global system?
11/ We broke the Arctic. Cold blast sweeping Northern hemisphere is causing chaos in energy markets

France's utility asks customers to delay laundry
Japan pleads to consumers to lower usage
China curbs power supplies to industries
12/ Japan's power crunch this winter has helped to shift public debate about nuclear power, its energy minister told the FT. Nuclear had been replaced by gas & coal after Fukushima.

“I’m trying to persuade everybody that in the end we need nuclear power”
13/ E Asian energy crisis gets a 7.1 mag quake as millions go without power
"Thermal Plants Shutdown Following Japan Quake

About 7 gigawatts worth of gas/coal-fired power capacity has been shut for maintenance following the quake in Fukushima prefecture"
14 / We broke the Arctic. Cold blast sweeping N hemisphere causing chaos in energy markets

France's utility asks customers to delay laundry
Japan pleads to consumers to lower usage
The US is suffering a bitter cold snap; gas prices soar & pipes burst.
14 / Respect Japan's engineering & infrastructure planners who have earthquake proofed the country. A 7.2 EQ just shaken off & everything up & running in a day. Gas grids get automatically turned off so no fires from line breaks;buildings sway, not fall...
14 / Energy crisis in Texas after winter storm. Governor issues disaster declaration for every county. #TexasFreeze
What happens in the Arctic doesn't stay in the Arctic! Frozen pipes, rationing & outages this week as demand >supply
15/ Unbelievable spike in energy demand with the Arctic reaching down to Texas, as everyone turns on their electric heaters, all at once! Texas at this moment of climate crisis is using 6 TIMES more power (~70 GW) than all 200 million ppl in Nigeria.
16/ It should be like bringing coal to Newcastle, but the world's most energy rich region - Texas is US's top oil producer, Gas producer AND its top Wind producer - cannot get enough electricity to meet heating demand in Climate Crisis. Electricity prices spike over $6,000/MWh!
17/ Fossil fuel backers cite its 'baseload' reliability opposed to fickle renewables. But reliability isn't a property of fuels but of state, society & market *systems*. In climate crisis, Half of Texas' gas power plants are knocked out & prioritize heat
19/ For whats happening in Texas crisis follow @ERCOT_ISO @joshdr83 @emilygrubert @JesseJenkins @cohan_ds. Grateful to #energytwitter where experts & soln oriented ppl quickly refute anti-renewables misinformation coming from places like WSJ/reuters etc
20/ What happens when 20thC infrastructure meets 21stC Climate: Gas, power, water lines, oil wells have frozen & are breaking down because tiny components like these are outside their design tolerance. Threads like these make physicists go weak-kneed!
21/ 5 million ppl in US take turns plunged into dark& freeze to avoid total grid collapse

Old civil engineers quip "Infrastructure is like relationships. You don't think about it when things are going well; when things go badly, you think of nothing else"
22/Biden has a popular mandate to invest $2000 billion in clean energy grid 
"[He] needs to go to Texas & give a fire & brimstone speech about how we need to rebuild our grid &anyone who thinks otherwise is anti American"- @BuddyYakov
24/ Can count on WSJ to blame renewables. Ed pg on TX energy crisis:"The power grid is becoming less reliable due to growing reliance on wind & solar, which can’t provide power 24 hours a day, 7 days a week."

Never let Facts⬇ get in way of Fossil Chaos:
25/ Lucky that Americans elected a president with the most votes in history to quickly pass bills & invest Trillions to make a modern clean grid that doesnt catastrophically fail in 21stC!! #ClimateChanged,now #SystemChange. @emilygrubert @JesseJenkins
26/ Extreme weather will become more frequent & WHACK our (often politically invisible) infrastructure harder. Its deaths & blackouts in Texas today but every country must modernize grids to handle hotter heatwaves,more frigid cold & stronger hurricanes
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