This is huge thing people have to understand.
That mob you saw on Wednesday, Trump’s mob, they have held the GOP in their grip for 5 or 6 years.

These Senators and Congress members literally fear for their lives and the lives of their families
First I will say that they should not be government, it is not for the faint hearted. You must be able to stand up against the nations enemies.

But they never thought their wives and children would receive death threats if they wavered in their support for Donald Trump
Every day for 4 years, people ask me, “why don’t they speak up, why don’t they do something??”

Because of the people you saw on Wednesday.

Again, I will say...Trump is the SYMPTOM, not the disease.
He is a grifter who saw these people as a means to an end, a vehicle.

When he leaves office, which he will, they will still be here, they will still walk amongst us.

This will not be over.
Now, if you decide to run for office, you had better be strong and clear in what your values, your integrity and your duty is, when you take that oath.

You cannot fold in the face of a mob

But many who run for office are just your local car dealer or mayor. Not cut out for this
People are complicated.
They are characters on TV.

We think that those in congress or the senate are somehow better qualified, better educated, and stronger in character.

We can see how often that is not the case.
What is the solution?

The solution is us. At the local level is where this begins.

When that car dealer who sits on our city council decides to run for congress, it is ESSENTIAL that we do our due diligence and dig deep into who this person is.
Who are they? What are their values, their views?
What is their education, their experience.

Is this person going to be able to stand up against a tyrant, against a mob??

Because that IS the job, and our job is to elect capable representatives.
Who elected Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Lois Goemert, Matt Getz,
The Q-Anon lady???

American citizens voted them in.

This lies with us.
WE can stop this.
We have the power.

I actually do believe that there are more decent, honest people with integrity in this country than this crazed base.

But we have gotten lazy, and apathetic, and fearful.

It is up to us to wake up and save this country.
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