1/ There is a LOT of fear posting being done and shared right now. Yes, we're living in an unprecedented timeline. I can't imagine anything as crazy as the events we've seen over the past year having occurred in centuries if not millennia.
2/ The most important lesson I've learned since all this began has been this: Don't be scared of what's coming. DO SOMETHING because you see it is.
3/ I don't believe the US will ever become South Africa. There's too much rural land. They're not going to go door to door making people disappear based upon people's past pro-White or Right Wing internet postings, either. Just stop.
4/ Get off the screen for one minute and look around you. What *in your actual life* has become more oppressive, other than a bunch of people turning into mask zombies? Almost ALL of the horror you see is coming from the Screen...
5/ and it is all designed to get you to do exactly what you fear most: submit to the oppressive, Communist rollout they have planned. The good news? Every single last person who submits will have chosen it for himself.
6/ They paint this picture of the future to convince you it's inevitable so that you'll just give up and submit to it. So how do you avoid that?
7/ First thing: Start growing your own food or find those who already are and establish a relationship with them. GETTING TF OFF dependence upon supply trains is THE KEY to this whole thing. The Beast System can choke off its own supply trains at any time it pleases.
8/ If you are dependent upon them, and we all are to one degree or another, you are vulnerable in direct proportion to your level of dependence. Presently, my most important personal goal is becoming as independent of outside System supply trains as possible.
9/ Most people are nowhere near this, people in major urban centers not at all. This is why they can be easily controlled and subjugated.
10/ It's also why liberal bugmen and females are so rabidly leftist. They NEED the Beast to provide them with literally everything, so they are going to viciously lash out at anyone who dares threaten their precious dependence.
11/ An entire parallel society is going to naturally grow from all of this upheaval. We should not only welcome it but participate in ushering it in, lest we be locked out when better men do what we should have done.
12/ The people with self-sufficient, independent tendencies are going to find one another and start making pockets of self-sufficient communities that just decide not to opt into the MegaCity slavery, because they'll have positioned themselves to be able to refuse the offer.
13/ Slavery will be chosen at every step of the way. And no these communities aren't going to get Wacoed. There will be far too many of them and the Beast will have its hands full feeding all its useless eaters.
14/ I'm already seeing these communities popping up everywhere, both online and irl, because that's where my focus has been since seeing what they were doing back in the very early part of 2020.
15/ This is where all of our focus needs to be every day. Not doing "sO tHiS iS aMeRiCa??1!" posts. You want a beautiful society? Well you're entitled to *nothing* you didn't work to build on your own. So get building!
16/ Yes, there's going to a LOT of gross horror, but that's for *those* people. We are not them. The bugmen in their pods drinking cockroach milk lattes bought with UBI cards will have begged for it at every step of the way. Let them have their Mouse Utopia.
17/ There will also be a TON of growth and beauty as well. And it'll never be advertised. You have to do it yourself. Which is the very beauty of the whole thing.

God bless you guys. Hail Christ!
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