Depression is not just “having a bad day”.
Depression is not just “feeling down”.
Depression is having all these and more.

If you always have low mood, no interest in nothing, feeling worthless and hopeless...

If you have this for 2weeks or more,
You are depressed.

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We all have moments our mood is low and we feel sad about life. But usually these feelings go with time.

But if the low mood feelings interfere with your life, you can’t cope with school, you struggle at work; and it doesn’t go away for 2weeks or more;

Now, that is depression.
There are degrees of depression.
It can be mild, moderate or severe.

In mild depression, you can still live your normal daily life despite being sad for many weeks.

In moderate depression, the low mood starts to interfere with your life, your work, your career and everything.
In severe depression, you start to have profound feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness. You may also have thoughts of suicide and plans to end your life (because everything is meaningless and purposeless).

This is serious. Please reach out to someone as a matter of urgency.
For symptoms of depression

You may feel:
down, upset, tearful or low mood
restless, agitated, getting angry easily
guilty, worthless, empty and numb
isolated, unable to relate to other people
finding no fun in anything
no selfesteem, no selfworth
hopeless, helpless and suicidal.
You may also:
avoid people and activities you enjoy
try to harm/cut/hang yourself
lose interest in sex
start drinking/smoking excessively
sleep too much or not sleep enough
feel tired all the time
have no appetite and lose weight
or eat too much and gain weight.

These are signs.
Possible causes of depression are:

Sexual abuse
Physical abuse
Emotional abuse
Neglect as a child
Parental abuse
Unstable family
Loss of parents
Loss of loved ones
Poverty/Being broke/Losing huge money
Excess misuse of alcohol drugs weed etc
On a final note,
If you have the above signs,
Kindly speak to a psychologist, a psychiatrist, or a mental health professional. (Pls contact @MentallyAwareNG)

You can also take the depression test:
(If it suggests you are depressed,
Pls speak to someone).
You can follow @DrOlufunmilayo.
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