How many times is a Catholic school board in Ontario going to have a homophobia scandal before we realize publicly funding them is a mistake?
This is the definition of homosexuality in their separate HPE curriculum today. The homophobia/transphobia is literally a part of the curricula. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that they’d deem an LGBTQ+ youth resource “inappropriate”.
Also, I know TCDSB gets the lion’s share of attention, but that’s because it’s Toronto. This is a problem everywhere.
This is gaining attention which is great so I want to add another layer to this. In 2018, one of Ontario’s biggest political debates was around HPE curriculum. Meanwhile, all Catholic schools teach the curriculum with that^ definition (and these)...
... essentially bypassing the democratic aspect of curriculum direction. Ontario’s Institute for Catholic Education (ICE) has an incredible amount of power in a system we all fund.
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