It begins as your VOCATION.
Develops as your PROFESSION.
Gains strength as your MISSION.
And is empowered as your PASSION.

In Japan it's called IKIGAI.

What is IKIGAI?

Well, it’s many things that ultimately lead to Happiness.

The concept of Finding Your Purpose in Life.

Purpose leads to Fulfilment.

Fulfilment leads to Happiness.
But IKIGAI can be one activity.

A hobby. A job. A pastime. An interest.

And it meets the 4 points:

1.Something you love doing.
2.Something you are good at.
3.Something you can get paid for.
4.Something the world needs.
IKIGAI is something we all want and need.

It can become our life purpose just looking for it.

It can give us the answers we long for.

But where is this answer?
How do you find YOUR IKIGAI?

Maybe you already have.

You may not be fully aware of it yet!

As we mature, we develop. We change.

We become more self-aware. And less self-conscious.

In our search we need to find ways to refocus.
Doing new things is perfect.

It gives you the opportunity to find new passions.

Meet new friend circles. Open new doors..
IKIGAI is fluid. Like you, it’s in constant motion.

It flows with your own development.

Taking consistent action can reveal it. Trial & error.

Don’t be afraid to fail.

Our search is keeping the key questions under review..
What do you love? Do more of this!

What are you good at? Develop new derivatives.

What can you get paid for? The more the better!

What does the world need? Well, countless possibilities here..
Thank you for getting to the end my friend!

In my search for IKIGAI, I wrote this in the hope of helping you find yours. I genuinely hope you do!

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