1/WHY are bars, restaurants snd houses of worship being targeted? Not just for epidemiological reasons as the science for this is thin if rooms are ventilated, cleaned. But because people can speak to one another freely and even more dangerous, met new people and gather new intel
2/...without digital surveillance or being restricted to their existing contacts as on Zoom. And that would shift this paradigm. Because massive amounts of money are confirmed being spent on propaganda to paint the world outside your home as terrifying. If you gathered with new
3/ people or in a larger community, over time, sure enough people would notice (as I did when I had dinner at an unmasked community that gathered in smallish but varying groups regularly) that whole communities are NOT getting sick or they would learn that of 100 people, two...
4/ or three under 70 had indeed been ill but it passed, and that young people and kids barely get very sick, while one or two very elderly people may have died of it who would have died soon if something, no disrespect, which is my experience with my community. And the joys of...
5/ community would remind us that life is like that most of the time; there are risks in the world but community sustains us in very human way. And then this multi billion dollar propaganda machine that isolated us and feeds us only scary charts, which literally just reproduce
6/ the situation I described, but makes it seem catastrophic, would be ineffective. We are like the prisoners in Plato’s Cave right now as long as we agree to isolation snd the taboo in gathering even safely and carefully. We can be told anything by our gatekeepers and all the
7/ messaging is to terrify. That’s why pub owners are being driven out of business, restaurants owners, that is why prayer in groups and town meetings and dinner parties are outlawed. It’s not public safety. It’s because in those contexts humans inform each other of facts about
8/ the world outside and remove the cobwebs from each others’ eyes.
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