Onto the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, for the second impeachment vote against President Trump.
Jim McGovern (D-MA): “I saw evil in [the rioters’] eyes. They’re domestic terrorists, they’re traitors. The damage to this building can be repaired, but if we don’t hold Trump accountable, the damage to our democracy will be felt for years to come.”
Tom Cole (R-OK): “This is a sad day for the American people...for the second time in thirteen months, we’re meeting to discuss the impeachment of the President. [...] As yet, we do not have the full facts”
“The Majority is rushing onto the floor, tripping all over themselves, to settle a score with the outgoing Administration, rather than looking forward to the new one”
“Sen. Manchin (D-WV) is quoted as saying ‘I think it’s so ill-advised for Biden, on the one hand, to attempt to heal America, and us, on the other, trying to divide us again. Let the judicial system get to work.’”

(NB: this is still Cole speaking, he’s quoting)
“There will be criminal proceedings against the perpetrators, and I hope all of those who stormed the Capitol last week will be brought to justice.”
McGovern: “There is nothing preventing the Senate from taking this up immediately, should Senate Majority Leader McConnell decide that he wants to proceed.”
Judy Chu (D-CA): “The need to remove this President could not be more urgent. He is too dangerous to remain in office.”
Rodney Davis (R-IL) explaining the Republicans’ amendment to the motion, highlighting the provisions for a commission to investigate the full extent of last week’s attack.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD): “Actions have consequences, and the actions of the President must be met with swift and clear consequences from the Congress.”
Hoyer now quoting Liz Cheney (R-WY), in saying that there has “never been a clearer example of a President betraying his office and oath of the Constitution.”
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