We are such LARPers they have exerted the full force of the security state, media, and technocracy to silence us
Your dumb commentators who've done nothing but keep saying "Trump lost, we need to look ahead, he should have done..." are still around though.

Funny isn't it?
Someone explain why it's important to keep banning @MagentaPixie - a kind lady in UK who talks about her visions. What's so threatening about her? If she's crazy why not let her talk? Isn't it good to keep your enemy misinformed?
Many of you have your heart centers completely blocked and are unable to sense anything you are not shown or told. You ignore the implications of subcommunication and cannot discern deeper patterns. So you revert to accepting propaganda - like a woman who tells you lies.
Many of you will continue to disbelieve myself and others until all the evidence is presented in front of you. That's fine. It's your choice to remain asleep during this transition. The rest of us however will be relaxing, enjoying the show.
You can follow @Pat_Stedman.
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