From @SenatorLankford Lankford Letter sent to constituents 1-12-2021 to justify his actions:
"The idea of the commission was based on the election commission of 1877 after the disputed election of 1876."

The commission of 1877 resulted in the tragic Jim Crow era.
Attacks @staceyabrams for speaking out against voter suppression tactics:
"In 2018, Stacey Abrams ran for governor of Georgia. After the election, she complained bitterly about Georgia election systems and election law. Two years later, she still has not conceded the race."
"...voters cried foul when Hillary Clinton won more votes nationally, but lost the Electoral College vote. But that is the design of our constitutional system; states choose the President through the Electoral College."
The Electoral College is racist:
"I have no question that there were problems and voting irregularities in multiple states during this year’s election."

CISA disagrees with Lankford:
"“The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history."
"This is also an issue with states that allow same day registration and voting. Same day registration does not allow the state time to verify that they are not registered in another state or even in another county in the same state."

This is not true.
I could go on as he attacks mail-in-ballots, counting of ballots, lack of time for court cases, & numerous lies about the election each countered by data & facts he refuses to acknowledge.
What @jameslankford did last week is based in racist policy.
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