As always @commonslibrary is the go to place for all the info on pretty much any matter.

This one is on household savings/debt during the pandemic, and it’s pretty tough reading.
First up, it looks at household savings. Initially, at a national level, aggregate savings are up, and very up.

But then look at different t income quintiles, and the poorest are saving significantly less, creating massive challenges for low income households.
The section on inequality is particularly striking.

Although household debt is down significantly (see graph below):
- 13% of people have had to borrow during the pandemic
- 18 million took on some form of debt
- 60% of families on UC or child tax credits have had to borrow
So what I take from this is that for many people, the pandemic has created opportunities to save more and clear debt.

But for those that were already worsts off, things have gotten worse.

Inequalities have widened.
Also out today is UK Poverty 2021 by @jrf_uk which has great recommendations as to how to try and solve this
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