In 2018 Gavin McInnes incited a riot at the Manhattan GOP club on the UES of Manhattan. On October 14, 2018 I sat down in the club to talk to Proud Boys spokesperson, member, lead apologist - a man named Pax Hart he was very at home in the old club - ensconced
In this video Mr. Hart explains how Joe McCarthy was a hero - proved right - every single person McCarthy targeted was on "Stalin's payroll" - it's gross but it's also who we are dealing with
Proud Boys have ALWAYS been in the inner sanctum of the Trump administration. The GOP Club as I saw it then & more clearly now fomented January 6 and have done since that day I sat and listened to Hart spout lies, hate in a tone so serene one might forget it the words are poison
The Proud Boys are boys. They are spoiled by privilege and a country formed from genocide built by the enslaved for pleasure and profit of the fine western chauvinist. They are white male supremacy embodied: entitled, hate filled, well armed and GOP approved.
So when I see #Refused trending? No. You don't get to refuse to abide by the very simple rules we all must abide by. That is what got us here. They don't get a slap on the wrist. A time out. They get consequences. I am a proud progressive Democrat - and I want action
@HouseDemocrats for the love of Mike would you just BAR these GOP member who #refused to simply walk through a metal detector from the floor? Christ on a bike what do we have to do as your constituents to make you understand: this small garbage leads to bigger garbage
And when I type garbage I mean those who made @AyannaPressley LEAVE a room in the middle of a siege. Watching @RepDLesko snarl at democratic colleagues to just "take the win" in the @RulesDemocrats meeting yesterday? Then tweet @SpeakerPelosi "communist" metal detectors?
No. We hold our reps to higher standards. In a 25th amendment hearing - as fellows are crying about the siege Jim Jordan engaged in whataboutism, false equivalence and disgusting rhetoric to provide aid, comfort to those who stormed Our House
#Refused? Nah. That doesn't work anymore. Unity? Only after accountability - welcome @GOP to the world most of us live in where bad actions have consequences - like losing your job.
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