Men's dress code in Islam

A 🧵:
1. Silk is forbidden for men. The Prophet PBUH said: “These two [gold and silk] are forbidden for the males of my ummah and permissible for the females.” Narrated by Ibn Maajah, 3640.
Similarly it is not permissible to wear the skin of a dead animal (one that has died of natural causes) unless it has been tanned. Wearing clothes made of wool, goat and camel hair, these are pure and permissible.
2. It is not permissible to wear thin or see-through clothing that does not conceal the ‘awrah.
3. It is haraam to imitate the mushrikeen and kuffaar in their manner of dress, so it is not permissible to wear clothing that is unique to the kuffaar.
4. It is haram for women to imitate men and men to imitate women in the way they dress, because the Prophet PBUH cursed the men who imitate women and the women who imitate men.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5546.
5. It is Sunnah for a Muslim to start with the right when dressing, and to say, Bismillah (In the name of Allah), and to start with the left side when taking clothes off.
It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah: The Messenger PBUH said: “When you get dressed and when you do wudhu’, start on the right.” Narrated by Abu Dawood, 4141
http://6.It  is Sunnah for the one who is putting on a new garment to thank Allah and make du'a’.
It was narrated that Abu Sa’eed said: When the Messenger PBUH put on a new garment, he would call it by its name, whether it was a turban, a shirt or a cloak...
...then he would say: “O Allah, to You be all praise. You have clothed me with it. I ask You for the good of it and the good for which it was made, and I seek refuge with You from the evil of it and the evil for which it was made.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 1767; Abu Dawood, 4020
7. It is Sunnah to pay attention to keeping one's clothes clean, without feeling arrogant or exaggerating about that.
‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood narrated that: A man said: “What if a man likes his clothes to look nice and his shoes to look nice?” The prophet PBUH replied: “Allah is Beautiful and loves beauty; arrogance means rejecting the truth and looking down on people.” Narrated by Muslim, 91.
8. It is mustahab to wear white clothes. It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas said: The Messenger of Allah said: “Wear white clothes, for they are the best of your clothes, and shroud your dead in them.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 994, hasan saheeh.
9. It is haraam for the Muslim man to let any garment he wears hang down beneath his ankles (an action known as isbaal); the limit for any garment is the ankles.
It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah RA that the Prophet AHS said; “Whatever of the lower garment is beneath the ankles is in the Fire.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5450.
10. It is haraam to wear garments of fame and vanity, which means a garment that stands out from others so that people will look at the wearer and he will become known for it. It was narrated that Ibn ‘Umar said: The Prophet PBUH said: “Whoever wears a garment of fame and...
...vanity, Allaah will dress him in a garment like it on the Day of Resurrection.” According to another version, “…then set it ablaze.” And according to a third version, “will dress him in a garment of humiliation.” Narrated by Abu Dawood, 4029; Ibn Maajah, 3606 and 3607
I wrote this thread because ppl always focus on how a woman should dress according to Islam but don't really pay any attention to how a man should dress. I hope this helps🥺💕
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