Shaun seems to think people experiencing homelessness can save £5000 when a third of people have less than £600 in savings & 1 in 10 have no savings at all. This includes people with full time jobs.
Universal credit is a failure, so if people with full time jobs are struggling to save how on earth does Shaun Bailey think people experiencing homelessness could save for a home? Once again how out of touch can a person be from the city they hope to preside over?
This crisis is seen across the country due to no rent control, unaffordable homes & low wages. This crisis is the fault of the Conservative's ten year alliance with property magnates & landlords over renters & people experiencing homelessness.
"Tory ministers have blocked us from introducing our plans for rent controls in London [...]. That’s why today I am making the mayoral election on 7 May a referendum on rent controls – showing Londoners that I will stand up for renters." - @SadiqKhan 
Shaun Bailey's words are the words of someone who has absolutely no idea of the plight of people without a home, and the struggle that they endure on a daily basis. This man is not fit to be the Mayor of London.
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