
In 2000, NAB gave a British company the contract to find hidden foreign accounts of some 200 Pakistanis. During the next few months, a certain PMLQ was carved out of PMLN but nothing was done about those 200 people whose accounts this company Broadsheet was investigating
Many believe these accounts and other corruption cases were used to arm twist Muslim Leaguers into joining the newly formed 'Muslim League Humkhayal' that later turned into Muslim League Jinnah and then Muslim League - Quaid.
PMLQ however failed to win enough seats in the 2002 elections, despite all the rigging, so another set of elected members was forced to defect from PPPP to form PPPP-Patriots. 2 of these 22 members went on to become Interior Ministers - Aftab Sherpao and Faisal Saleh Hayat.
Broadsheet CEO Kaveh Moussavi claims NAB told him to drop investigations against some out of the list of 200. The company, acc to him, declined but the one of those people went on to become Interior Minister. In Oct 2002, elections were held; by Nov 2002, Jamali had become PM.
In mid-2003, NAB ended the contract with Broadsheet. The purpose had already been served. Years later, Pakistan's Supreme Court termed NAB 'a tool of political engineering'.

Now, Broadsheet's financial condition was so fragile, it went insolvent as soon as NAB ended the contract
In 2017, Broadsheet won a case against NAB in British courts but Pakistan chose to appeal it. Shahzad Akbar recently claimed that the company was a fraud and lacked the capacity to investigate the accounts. However, earlier this month, High Court also ruled in Broadsheet's favour
awarding it a compensation of 7.5 billion rupees. The CEO started making appearances in interviews with Pakistani 'youtubers' all of a sudden. His tone and language re Pakistani politicians and NAB was obviously bitter. He repeatedly used words like 'corrupt', 'crooks', 'liars'
'thieves', and referred to their wealth as 'theft' and 'stolen money from poor Pakistani people'. However, he was, for reasons now obvious, quite conciliatory towards Shahzad Akbar and Imran Khan. He said he was disappointed that an Oxford-grad Imran was not pursuing the cases
He then went on to recollect that a Pakistani official had recently offered him to restart those investigations, and that he'd be given a new contract. He said he was ready to consider, upon certain conditions, including a guarantee that this time the agreement will be honored.
Now, a person who's been wronged by the very institution once, is somehow willing to agree to a new contract. Who will guarantee that the contract will be honored? The same state that went back on its promise the last time? It's absurd that he's willing to give them a 2nd chance,
especially after running the company into insolvency due solely to the 'dishonesty' of this very vendor and being forced to fight a 10-year-long legal battle.

Remember that he's made vile allegations against the Sharif family in his recent interviews, including the claim...
that a cousin of Nawaz Sharif, named Anjum Dar, had offered to negotiate on the former PM's behalf in 2012. The claim was unsubstantiated & he had to retract in a brief conversation with @azharjavaiduk last night

And now PM Khan is citing his claims to
further his narrative about the opposition leaders' corruption.

Remember what I wrote earlier, it's the same person who had defrauded Pakistan acc to NAB's official claim in the UK courts, and that too under the current regime, not under some previous NAB chairman.
A few questions now:

1) Why was he given a contract if he lacked the capacity?

2) If he didn't lack the capacity, why was the agreement called off?

3) Who will do the accountability of those responsible for making these decisions?

4) Why is PM citing this 'fraud' now?
5) Will Pakistan enter into another agreement with this company 17 years after terminating its previous agreement on the grounds that he had deceived us?

Not to forget, in 2017, the Panama JIT had also given a contract to a UK-based company saving it from certain bankruptcy.
The dude running the company later turned out to be JIT head Wajid Zia's cousin. Zia was later promoted to the position of DG of FIA by PM Imran Khan.

So, 6) Why do we always choose companies that cannot survive without contracts WE give them?

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