The Dictatorship problem in this continent isn't an African issue. It's a human issue. You don't agree? Let's think about it rather meticulously.

Humans love Power. Like Cersei said in Game of Thrones season 7, "Power is Power". Power is what brings other things that have a
semblance of power. Money? Power gets you it. Fame? Mos' definitely. Control? Of course. Power is a powerful variable. See how there wasn't a better word to use than 'powerful' in that statement? That should tell you everything.

Power intoxicates. Now, if you allow for a system
that encourages and embellishes dictatorship, and sow seeds of hanging on to power indiscriminately without consequences in the mentalities of a group of people, they would choose it over giving power up. A very high percentage of humans would not willingly give power up when
they can hold on to it without any backlash. Just ask yourself. In the countries that do not have an 'obvious' dictator in Africa, and claim to practice democracy, like Nigeria here, do you think dictatorship is dead? No. It isn't. It is just modified into some form of organised
plural autocracy. Where the people in power keep recycling themselves. And the supposedly 'new' ones have allegiances with the previous ones in the shadows, who actually do the governing. Hence dictatorship.

We are said to be third world for a reason. We are decades back in
development compared to the Western world. Who although having the propensity to be dictators due to simply being human (and as proven by their history and even current happenings), have WORKING systems set in place to curb such human excesses.

Because they've learnt how not to
be savages. How to be civilised. How to have a working system that strives for equality and actual democracy.

Unfortunately in Africa, we haven't. And it is not changing any time soon.

Yes, our mentalities are in the gutters. And yes. That's why we are a third world continent.
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