30 Days Excellence Challenge

Last night while I was sitting alone in the kitchen, drinking and scrolling mindlessly through the social media posts, I realized something.

I realized this year is not going to bring me joy, peace and fulfillment.

Only 12 days passed and I am already stuck in a rut.
I already forgot my main New Year Resolutions.

For the ones that I am working at, I am doing it mechanically.

I started to drink every day in the last 14 days. Not much but this is how it always starts. I usually drink a few times a year so this was a big question mark for me.
I also realized I am the one to blame.

Only I am responsible for what is happening in my life and with responsibility comes such a great power.

The power of control.

I am in control of my life.
But most of all, I realized the importance of EXCELLENCE.

I still remember vividly the excellent things I’ve done in my life.

They were coming from inside out.

They were fulfilling.

They had a positive impact.

They were inspiring others for the better.
So why am I frustrated with all the above?

Because I let the poison of mediocrity to step over into my life areas.

I do not want to lie to myself anymore.

Enough is enough!

I want to be excellent again on everything I do.
My mind & mood just switched to a new paradigm:

Everything I do, I do it excellent.

And if everything I do every day I do it excellent, then I will have excellent results, positive impact and a fulfilling life.

So I decided to take this 30 days challenge and make it a habit.
What I feel this 30 Days Excellence challenge will offer me is:
•a "get things done approach” – no more procrastination
•an “improving mindset” behavior – not giving up after first attempts
•a sense of responsibility in all my life areas
•confidence - I am in control
It is not a big change in the process. I am not harsh with myself. I don’t blame myself if I fail here and there.

I keep my mind open and learn every day to make a better tomorrow.

Micro speed. Macro patience.
Thank you for reaching this point in the thread, I will keep you updated everyday with my progress and I will give you a complete summary at the end of these 30 days.
You can follow @GeorgeArtistJr.
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