Democrats establishment works with puppet corporations to push people into racemixing into a 85 IQ mulatto underclass. Conservative establishment assuages their majority White base by telling them "race isn't real", and "those are private companies" so no one does anything (1/2)
For real sticking points like gun rights, and free speech they outright lie to their constituents faces, say they'll protect them and never do. And they keep coming back because 1) the Democrats are openly hostile, and 2) all real right wing opposition has been eliminated. (2/3)
Thus conservatives (controlled opposition) are the only show in town. So they're acting to stop opposition to our stock being racemixed into oblivion, meanwhile they're sending all our resources to an actual ethnostate in Israel. This show has been going for 75 years (3/4)
And is why we're so fucked and most importantly why "Nobody does anything". The whole system is out in place for exactly that purpose of stopping people from doing anything. So this brings me to my final point. What's the strategy for getting out of this? (4/5)
- we can't fight the Left while being distracted and stabbed in the back by the GOP
- while the GOP exists they will continue to stab us in back and jettison resources to Israel
- thus if we want to fight the Left we must destroy the GOP first.
Ignore the Left, focus on the GOP
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