1-The amount of stablecoin outflow I’m seeing today (profit taking) is a little depressing. Couple that with the $SNX $AAVE pumping. I think I see what’s going on here. https://twitter.com/glassnodealerts/status/1349276816687693824
2-Over the very short term; very smart people have done the calculation that staking stablecoins for high ROI is simply a better risk adjusted return than $BTC chop suey.
3-This could become one of those self fulfilling prophecies where the momentum feeds on itself. Not saying BTC dumps to Hades; but reduced volatility.
4-Also keep in mind January is not known for its $BTC returns. Also a potential self fulfilling prophecy. Chop chop. BUT come Jan 29th expiry, I’ll ratchet up the risk.
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