small yet super effective ways to grow your self-worth:

1) apply the principle of ‘finish what you start’ to seemingly inconsequential aspects of your day.

make your bed in the morning. put worn socks in the hamper. cap the toothpaste. in a month you’ll feel more ‘together.’
2) keep your casual commitments, even tiny promises you’ve made to others like ‘I’ll text you later.’

keeping your word consistently improves your own opinion of yourself.
3) do one tiny thing every day that protects your health.

take a multivitamin, apply sunscreen, drink two glasses of water in the morning. honouring your body improves your relationship with yourself.
4) take 10-15 minutes out of each day for a spiritual practice or gratitude exercise of your choice.

prayer, meditation, chanting, whatever you vibe with.
5) break up big tasks into a series of littler tasks, place them on a checklist.

check tasks off as you do them.

your system will get a decent dose of gratification from completing even a small task, so why not give yourself more opportunities to feel good?
6) practice setting boundaries with strangers first, then your outer circle, then finally your immeadiates.

(boundary-setting with a stranger can look like not letting someone cut in front of you in a queue)

taking baby steps with boundaries is a job well done all the same.
7) celebrate your tiny victories.

it’s okay to reward yourself with one more episode of that show you love just because you didn’t hit the snooze button this morning. why not?
8) frame small failures in self discipline as what they are - the ego’s attempt to stay in charge by rebelling against new conditioning.

be patient with yourself because change is hard, but try harder tomorrow.
if you practice the suggestions above for about a month you will get to a place where you’ll find it easier to say: “I like myself. I like who I am becoming.”

your self-worth will have grown, and along with it your confidence, self esteem, and self respect.
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