Free gyaan to law students on my timeline. Pl take it seriously - most lawyers will tell you the exact opposite. So take a call.
Most lawyers, specially when they come recruiting to campus talk about how inadequately prepared law students are for ‘real life’ as a lawyer. They will also say this ad naseam. They will also lecture academicians incessantly about how it’s a pain to teach students the ‘real law’
That the curriculum should be overhauled, as it’s not preparing students with real skills. IGNORE THEM.
What you will learn as students, the focus, the depth and width of your learning will never ever be replicated in your professional life. What you learn today will be your foundation - focus on the wrong thing i.e. ‘real law’ and your foundation will remain weak for a lifetime.
What lawyers call ‘real law’ varies from practice to practice and you literally have a lifetime to learn. Research will often be hurried, be on a very narrow point (sometimes literally a comma), and often that narrow research, though adding to your knowledge, be never used again.
By contrast, no matter what you practice, the foundations of Consti, Contract, Property and a dozen other areas will be useful for you for life. Try telling a client that you will look up what a contingent contract is and then advice.
No matter how hard you work, how many ‘real’ skills you have picked up, how good your research has become, the client will run away from you at the speed of light.
Also, if your foundation is good, like in maths - connecting and formulating becomes much easier. You will spot things inside your head (literally from 25 years before from your classroom) and make a point your real lawyer friend will never be able to make.
In short, focus on your studies. A LOT. Yes, internships are useful wine tasting journeys of the ‘real world’ - but recognise them as such and not as an important part of your eduction. They are not.
Finally, avoid shortcuts in law school. I know reading Seervai or Mulla cover to cover is mind numbingly painful. But you will never be able to do it again (never say never though). Don’t just stick to what is assigned as courseware.
At least for the fundamental subjects go for the solid texts.
And have fun outside of academia on the football ground - the real world can wait.
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