Sorry but 19 points behind City isn’t ‘competing for the league’. Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is the first manager since Sir Alex Ferguson to make us genuine title contenders. Yes the wheels can fall off between now and May but right now - Manchester United are in a title race.
I’m sure a lot were spitting fire after United’s loss to City in the cup the other night instead of seeing it for what it was - a United/City game which demonstrated that the gap between these two clubs has significantly narrowed.
So many also interpret four SF losses as some sort of negative instead of understanding that even though we all want Manchester United to make the next step towards silverware Solskjaer has us competing on ALL fronts.
Anticipate there will be few further setbacks (such is nature of a team rebuilding towards something tangible) but more than happy with the progress and how we now have a squad with competition for places in key positions pushing this team on. This is the United I grew up with.
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