I don't know anything about what these players really think and feel but here's my prediction (worth < 2 cents):

Maurkice Pouncey may love playing football, but he has always been pretty businesslike about his career. He could retire this offseason and walk away with no regrets.
Ben, on the other hand, cares passionately about his career and really wanted to get a ring for his teammates. We know he didn't want to end his career on IR. Think he wants to end it like this, with this playoff loss? I doubt it.
But Ben won't want to play next year without Pouncey. And Pouncey has always said that when Ben retires, he'll go too. They each have one more year on their contracts.

My guess is that Ben wants to come back for 2021 and will try to talk Pouncey into committing to next season.
No matter how much Ben likes Fichtner, I think he would play next season with a new OC...especially if Canada got the promotion. If Pouncey is set on retiring, I think Ben is going to have a tough decision but I still think he comes back.
On the bright side, it's reasonable to think the Covid-19 pandemic will be controlled by training camp and things will be very different next season -- in a good way. Fans at camp, fans in the stands. That might be a plus when they're deciding.
I think the team needs to shake some things up, given the playoff record since their last Superbowl appearance. I won't be surprised to see at least 1 coordinator gone and Fichtner is the more likely guy. Some say that Ben won't accept it but I say Pouncey is the bigger key.
Full disclaimer: I'm a total homer and I'm still super bummed about the Steelers loss on Sunday night, so this may all be wishful thinking.
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