was rlly bored so i made a top 15 songs oat thread with 1 song per artist. likes and rts are appreciated :)
15.fog - Chester Watson: ajhf was my favorite rap album of 2020 and this is j everything I love about it. The beat is rlly spooky and It builds up throughout song. It’s is also like the thematic climax of the album’s plot but I’m not gonna talk about the lore of it lol
14.tank! - SEATBELTS: Ik this is kinda a cringe weeb pick but this is honestly one of the hardest songs oat. I love the soft-spoken vocals on this too.
13. Free the robots - Capital Steez: this is the lyrically best hip hop song oat imo. It’s crazy how relevant it still is. The hook is amazing on this too, he rlly had a good ear for beats. So yea, fuck Ronald Reagan and rip STEEZ.
12.kokepeli face tattoo - AJJ: Idek if this is a good song or not but I have some important memories attached to it so I’m very biased and I love it.
11.Aquemini - Outkast: I love Outkast sm and this is like the most Outkast Outkast song. It has amazing big boi and Andre verses and my favorite Outkast hook.
10.What a year it’s been - Injury Reserve: This is my favorite injury reserve song, I love how wild the beat gets towards the end of the song, and also the groggs verse on this hits so hard after his death. RIP.
9.skyline to - Frank Ocean. Love this song sm. it’s the most underrated frank song by far. I love the lyrics too it to and how it’s about relationships and other things in life ending even though I’m probably interpreting it wrong
7.Funeral - Phoebe Bridgers: was listening to this earlier today and thought it was my fav song oat and while I realize its not, I still love it so much and want to base my whole personality on liking this song :)
6.TONYA - BROCKHAMPTON: ik this app hates bh now, but this song is so good man. All the verses are amazing especially the Kevin and Bearface ones.
5.Dr Whoever - Aminé: I have listened to this song every year on my bday since it came out😔. The first half is the most he’s opened up throughout his whole career and the second j feels like a victory lap for the success of good for u. his best song by far.
4.Kimochi warui - Car Seat Headrest: It was a rlly hard desicion of what csh song to pick between this and beach life, but this one speak to me so much and I love all the pop culture references so yea this one :)
3.Midnight 01 (deep sea diver) - King Krule: I only listen to this when i’m down rlly bad cus I don’t want to ever ruin this song for myself, cus it’s j so good. I love everything about it, the instrumentals, the kinda drowned out vocals, and the rain sounds in the bg.
2.up on melancholy hill - Gorillaz: This has been my favorite gorillas song since I was a little kid and I think It always will be. It’s j so peaceful and listening to it always makes me feel content. I think I want to listen to this as I die.
1.Ghost! - Kid Cudi: Vocals are perfect, Hums are perfect, Lyrics are perfect, beat is perfect, this is j a perfect song.
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