
Just stumbled onto something very interesting that may be connected to Trump’s DC emergency declaration. I haven’t seen anyone mention this yet and I don’t even know who is left on here to pass it around so RT this thread? Or tag anyone you know.

Presidential Emergency Action Documents (PEADs) are draft classified orders created by the President of the United States to exercise or expand powers in the declaration of an emergency for various hypothetical worst-case scenarios.

They are defined by FEMA "Final drafts of Presidential messages, proposed legislation proclamations, and other formal documents, including DOJ-issued cover sheets addressed to the President, to be issued in event of a Presidentially-declared national emergency."

FEMA hmm? What was specifically mentioned in his declaration?

Let’s continue...

What is made possible if a president enacts a PEAD. These documents are heavily guarded by the government and have never been released but they ARE there.


-suspension of habeas corpus
-martial law
-roundup and detention of subversives👀
-Suspension of the constitution, turning the control of the United States over to FEMA🧐
-appointment of military commanders to run state+local government

This is very very interesting....

More on PEADS:

“A 2007 Department of Homeland Security report lists “martial law” and “curfew declarations” as “critical tasks” that local, state, and federal government should be able to perform in emergencies.”

Could this be why DC will be under lockdown?

One thing is for sure is that this article written in August 2020, sure makes it sound like the deep state knows Trump has these powers. And they don’t like it one bit...

I’ll leave you with this quote as we await to find out how this movie ends:

“I have the right to do a lot of things that people don’t even know about.”

-President Trump March 12, 2020

In my excitement on my dig, I missed a couple screenshots with IMPORTANT information on PEADS including who they involve and what they can entail!
The research is never ending!
Popcorn anyone?
Let’s continue...

Executive order 13959 was issued November 12th, 2020. Guess when it went into effect? January 11th 2021.

Within this EO...Trump declared a national Emergency. Did this officially open the door to use PEADS?

Are we starting to see the big picture come in to focus? The pieces are in place. We’re almost there.

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