The first time I heard of qanon was from JB sometime after the 2016 election . Talking about “two scoops” from Trump intel where Hillary Clinton would be arrested and Martial Law was coming .
It added a lot of legitimacy at the time for me . I just lurked back then mostly. And for a short time I bought into the q stuff . The Las Vegas shooting locked in my confirmation bias .
I followed microchip through the 16 election as many did , to later catch my first ban from Twitter soon after and migrate to gab when it first started where I can across Doug Stewart . The 1st person to challenge q that I’d seen .
In my personal life away from the internet, I had a growing number of people close to me that were getting serious about Q and it was alarming to me then so I set out to see if I could find some sort of truth .
Then i hit the wall of larpers and grifters .
Anti school
Tracy Beenz
Patriots soapbox
Jordan sather
And many others
And also , mega turd Dustin nemos .
All of these grifters springboarded off the base of the infowars platform that had gained legitimacy from conspiracy theories based in reality . here’s AJ interviewing Trump before the election...
Somehow after this I ended up with the #qslayers . Where we did anything but “slay q-anon” . It was cool at first , lots of big name famous people on the internet and “super packs “ all working to support trump and stop qanon !
Then you look around and you are surrounded by leftest journalists that take all the information and report it to make trump supporters look like far right extremists while we were literally trying to stop right wing extremists conspiracy theories in real time .
Sometimes you think you can make a difference & make the world a better place ... but sometimes you end up in the [dustbin of irrelevance] surrounded by larpers while the world burns .
I had years of receipts, archives, and screenshots but I deleted all of it because I don’t give a Fuck anymore .

To the people that kept it real, much love .
no matter what your political beliefs are, whats unfolding now with censorship of a sitting President by social media , big tech and megacorps should concern everyone.
there are 70+ million people that have effectively been silenced and threatened with the loss of constitutional rights by an apposing party in coordination with private businesses under the guise preventing "extremism" .
im afraid this will lead to bloodshed on a mass scale and something that this country will probably never recover from. So few forget that Government doesnt relinquish power . ever .
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